Welders Without Borders / Soldadores Sin Fronteras

*Welders Without Borders / Soldadores Sin Fronteras and Welding Thunder and related content are protected by Copyright 2000-2024 All Rights Reserved, Service Mark 2000-2024 All Rights Reserved, Trade Mark 2000-2024 All Rights Reserved. No use may be made without express permission in writing. *Foro Spanish / Espanol Blog Spears Into Pruning Hooks, Swords Into Plow Shares Welders Without Borders Photos Bolivia-Santa Cruz Peru Click here for updates: WWB/SSF Welding Thunder "TM" "SM" 2023 HAITI 2013  Institute for Joining Metals Krakow Poland Custom Rich-Text Page

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World wide information page

"Welders Without Borders"  Founded in 2000 and dedicated to the advancement of welding knowledge with no borders on earth or in space.

Welding professionals from around the world willing to share their knowledge and experience with students of welding to advance the future of our industry.  Building understanding between people through the advancement of metals technology.  Welding serves all mankind.  A knowledge that improves lives, builds nations and gives hope to millions. 

Our motto: "Code quality any time any where"

Our pledge: "As a welder without borders I pledge to use my knowledge and skills to make the world a better place for all mankind to live, and to dedicate my self to life long learning to advance the science of materials joining to serve the needs of others"

FAQ:  What can my company do to support "Welders Without Borders"?

Answer: Give time and resources to support welding education in your area.  Help sponsor a faculty member to volunteer to work with students in other countries or sponsor a welding student scholarship in your companies name at a school near you by givingcan to the institution of your choice.  Its easy to change a life that could change the world.  Just do something.

FAQ: What can my school do to support "Welders Without Borders"?

Answer:  Contact the WWB founder Professor Colton for information from his experiences partnering on behalf of WWB programs and how you can sponsor a local welding educational event to boost interest in welding education, careers in welding and educate the community about the importance of welding in our modern world. 

FAQ:  Can I make any money through "Welders Without Borders:?

Answer:  No.  Everyone involved with WWB programs does so as a volunteer.  The focus of our activities is on the wonderful young people who are choosing to make a career choice in welding.  All volunteers donate their time and resources or receive support from their company, their school or institution or other sponsorship or support.   





Welders Without Borders founder Samuel Colton is a member of the American Welding Society, a supporter of SkillsUSA and a "Welder Without Borders".


Check out at the link below: Skyline High School Mesa Arizona "Welding Thunder 2013" Video Link:










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Professor Samuel Colton, Sr. founded "Welders Without Borders" in response to the need to create greater opportunity for members of the welding community to share their experiences with students of welding.  This has resulted in an ever-growing network of welding educators, students and industry leaders working together to serve others."Each of us can help build our world into a safer and better place by using our knowledge and talents to lift young people and each other up.  To use our skill in welding to serve our communities and make them better places for all."  Samuel Colton, Sr.

"Welders Without Borders"  Founded in 2000 and dedicated to the advancement of welding knowledge with no borders on earth or in space.

Welding professionals from around the world willing to share their knowledge and experience with students of welding to advance the future of our industry.  Building understanding between people through the advancement of metals technology.  Welding serves all mankind.  A knowledge that improves lives, builds nations and gives hope to millions. 

<p>Welders Without Borders / Soldadores Sin Fronteras Copyright 2000-2024 SM - Service Mark TM - Trade Mark 2000-2024 All Rights Reserved. This page last updated 06-06-2024</p>